Halloween 2012 – revised with new pictures – 11/23/12

The boys enjoy Halloween, especially the goodies.  They like to dress up, but they don’t seem to like to go overboard.  This year, their costumes were rather simple, with hooded sweatshirts that zip over the face to provide the mask.  We really tend to enjoy the pumpkin patch and we went to see the Picha Farms patch this year.  Sarah and Janel had a couple of the Picha men as teachers in Junior High and High School.  We saw both of them and they asked about the girls.  Meanwhile, we explored the farm, launched some gourds with the slingshot (David missed winning a free pumpkin by about 2 inches), and then navigated the corn maze.  It was challenging, but we took a picture of the map using David’s iPod before we entered; then we wound our way through to all of the check-in stations.

Also, the boys went with Sary-Jo and a couple friends to Fright Fest at Wild Waves.  They had a blast!  Finally, Sary-Jo and Randy went to a Halloween party in costume (pictures added 11/23).  This is highly irregular for Randy as he is not a fan of costumes.  Still, it was pretty good.  Click on the picture above to see more.