Tooth Fairy

David Behayelu had some teeth pulled on Friday and was thrilled by a visit from the Tooth Fairy.  He explains on video.

8 thoughts on “Tooth Fairy

  1. That is sooo much fun! You should ask the boys what they do in Ethiopia when they lose a tooth. I read somewhere that the tradition there is to throw the tooth on the roof of the house. I can’t remember why:)
    Behayelu is so happy to be a part of your family! I know that God is smiling too!

  2. It is so wonderful to see the boys adjusting so well. I’m thrilled for all of you and love reading about what they’re doing. The explanation of the tooth fairy is a classic!

  3. I giggled out loud while watching your video. Your sons are precious. Behayelu looks like my stepson. I’m so happy to find your blog.

  4. Don’t know if you remember me from Dr. Sutherland days and LCC, but I happened across your blog today thru YWAM and was so excited to hear and see of your growing family! Wow! I’m Angela Friesen. You can catch our blog and our “almost” Ethiopia journey under Our Story of Adoption Part 4 at!!! I almost cried watching this video….so incredibly precious! God’s richest blessings to your whole family!I passed on your blog today to a wonderful christian family that just got home a few months ago with a sibling group from Ethiopia as well! Shelley and her hubby are a hoot!

  5. Oh…my…word. The cutest thing ever! Thanks for sharing, guys! What precious, genuine excitement! And I’m so amazed by how well you guys can communicate with each other.

  6. Love it! Joseph wanted to watch it twice! He said, “Mommy, it’s my Hayelu!” He wants to come visit his friends. Also, I love the Ethiopian flag right there over his bed. Good for you guys for video taping this stuff! His accent is so beautiful, and it won’t be there much longer! I miss Joseph’s little accent, though he still says some really cute/funny things! Well done! Let’s get the boys together soon! -Jennie

  7. THIS IS TERRIFIC! He is precious in every way. You two are doing such a fantastic job with the boys. They are a delight. I have a huge smile on my face! Love you, David Behayilu, Daniel Fraol, too!!

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