Sarah had a little time on her hands; enjoy her video.
Category Archives: Video
The weekend before Thanksgiving brought extremely cold weather followed by a few inches of snow. Last year, we had tried to give the boys a bit of snow experience by taking them inner-tubing, but it turned out to be quite warm so they didn’t really play in the snow. Now they’ve had a bit of experience with it… and they seem to like it. Click the picture above to see more pictures, and be sure to watch the video below.
2010 Soccer Jamboree
Here is a short video from the soccer jamboree. We only had the camcorder for the last day and, in an effort to keep the video short, trimmed it down quite a bit. In this video you’ll see David score a couple goals, then the coach talks about him as she hands out trophies. Following that, we cut to Daniel’s game where you’ll see him show his footwork and make a great centering pass. Unfortunately, nobody got the ball into the net.
Daniel’s Autobiography
Daniel wrote a short autobiography as a school assignment. He did a stellar job so we asked him to read it for the camera. Check it out here.
Averill Family Reunion
Mike and Mary hosted the Averill Family Reunion at Sylvia Lake this weekend. The setting was beautiful and we all had a great time, although the weather could have been a bit better (I don’t know how many times I heard, “this’ll burn off in a few minutes and the sun will come out”). Family members enjoyed canoeing on the lake, swimming and fishing. And, as with most family reunions, there was no shortage of great food.
We didn’t take as many pictures as we typically do, but we got a few good ones. Click on the one shown to see more.
Below is a short video of David’s fish.
Daniel’s Broken Arm
We knew that life with boys would be different than life with girls. In fact, last year we discussed the likelihood that we would become familiar with the ER and, more specifically, broken bones. We realize that girls do this also (Sarah had broken her nose and a thumb on separate occasions), but it never seems to be a surprise when an active boy breaks a limb.
Well, on the 25th of July (2 days prior to traveling for Janel’s wedding!), Daniel put his bicycle and helmet away and then came in the house to get some attention to several new scrapes he acquired by crashing his bike. As he was showing us the scrapes, he remarked, “I think I broke my arm.” Of course he couldn’t have broken his arm because he wasn’t crying or really showing that he was in severe pain. But after a while he started doing things out of character for him (like lying down in bed at 3:00 in the afternoon) so Randy took him to the ER. X-Rays confirmed a broken arm and he got a splint. We were able to get him in to the orthopedic specialist for a cast on Tuesday and make the flight to California Wednesday morning.
Swim Lessons
As part of the last swimming lesson at level 1, the boys had the opportunity to go off the diving board. They both did fantastic, as you can see on the video. David goes first followed by Daniel. Daniel goes straight in and actually tried to find the bottom of the pool. We’ll try to post some other video and some photos from swimming – as with virtually every other new activity, they LOVE IT!!! They would swim every day if they had the opportunity (we’ll probably join the YMCA). I think they’re going to like Hawaii next month.
Polar Bears
Daniel researched Polar Bears and presented his report to the third grade class. He practiced at home and did a great job sharing his findings with his classmates. Here’s the video.
Dedication – Feb. 14
Similar to a baby dedication, we wanted to publicly proclaim that Daniel and David truly belong to God, and that we are grateful for the opportunity to raise them as parents. Some friends at church, who also adopted two beautiful kids from Ethiopia, dedicated their kids at the same time. We were blessed by Pastor Art’s words and we wanted to share the video, so here it is.
Karshner Tigers At Last!
Daniel and David have both been excited to start school. We decided to start with half-days and we really thought we would stick with that for quite a while. However, after a week it became obvious that they were both acclimating amazingly well. They are now attending school full-time plus they have quite a bit of “homework” that includes continued work on their language and math flashcards, etc. We videotaped them after their first day of school on January 7. We had to split the video into small enough segments to post, so the first one includes them getting settled in and then it’s primarily Daniel telling about his day. The second clip is mostly David sharing about his day. You can see the joy in their faces and hear it in their voices. These clips also give a good feel for how they communicate now.
And here are the pictures: