Daniel’s Broken Arm

We knew that life with boys would be different than life with girls.  In fact, last year we discussed the likelihood that we would become familiar with the ER and, more specifically, broken bones.  We realize that girls do this also (Sarah had broken her nose and a thumb on separate occasions), but it never seems to be a surprise when an active boy breaks a limb.

Daniel with his cast

Well, on the 25th of July (2 days prior to traveling for Janel’s wedding!), Daniel put his bicycle and helmet away and then came in the house to get some attention to several new scrapes he acquired by crashing his bike.  As he was showing us the scrapes, he remarked, “I think I broke my arm.”  Of course he couldn’t have broken his arm because he wasn’t crying or really showing that he was in severe pain.  But after a while he started doing things out of character for him (like lying down in bed at 3:00 in the afternoon) so Randy took him to the ER.  X-Rays confirmed a broken arm and he got a splint.  We were able to get him in to the orthopedic specialist for a cast on Tuesday and make the flight to California Wednesday morning.

Here is the video of him telling the story: