Little League – 2011

This was quite a year for sports in our household, as Daniel and David each wanted to try just about everything.  The challenge for us is that they seem to excel in every sport they try, now including baseball.  Daniel proved to be quite a fielder, pitcher (left handed) and a hitter (right handed), while David is also extremely talented and a student of the game.  Both teams finished in first place, and both boys made great friends, had fun and were among the best players in their leagues.

Click the picture above to see a few more (just a few, really).  David has a grey uniform jersey (Volcanoes) and Daniel is in the red (Diamondbacks). 

And we had to include one video.  This one shows Daniel absolutely crushing the ball for a home run.  You should understand that few balls were hit out of the infield in this league, making this hit all the more impressive.  He hit this ball over the outfielder’s head and into the game on the next diamond.  He is crossing home plate as the left fielder reaches the ball.  Enjoy (suggestion: watch it full screen).

And here’s a quick video of David’s coach commenting on him after the last game. The audio is a little rough because of the wind, but you can make it out.