Soccer 2011

For Daniel and David it is not surprising that soccer is their first love when it comes to sports.  They are both very good players and so much fun to watch!  Their soccer skills are dramatically better than last year – it’s hard to comprehend how much they’ve improved!  Daniel’s team, the Wolverines, has been practicing all summer and the coaches have been so gracious in allowing David to practice with them.  David’s team, the Rockets, began practicing a few weeks ago.

Preseason tournaments have been fun:

  • Daniel played as a guest with the Diamondbacks.  They won their bracket and he had a great time playing with them.
  • David’s team played in a tournament in August.  David scored 14 goals!!  You can tell he’s been playing all summer with the older boys.
  • Labor Day weekend featured the Puyallup Valley Kick-Off tournament, in which Daniel’s team participated.  The team played very well and won their bracket!  I think Daniel scored more goals in this tournament than he did all last season.  His coaches have encouraged him to be a bit more aggressive and he’s got amazing footwork.

Mom loves cheering and loses her voice each time.  She is not looking forward to those cold, rainy, muddy, stinky games, which the regular season is sure to bring…but she’ll be loving on her boys regardless!!

The video below includes a bunch of scoring – first, David’s 14 tournament goals are shown (late update: due to a technical problem, one was omitted).  Then, Daniel’s goals are shown.  We also included a couple of his assists – one with some nifty footwork and another off a corner kick.  We think you’ll enjoy the video, which also highlights the weather and the beautiful view of the soccer venue in the Puyallup Valley!  Click on the picture of David, above, for more photos.