Sary-Jo Visits Janel & Ryan

The Puyallup School District always schedules two in-service days in October.  Because SJ was not planning on attending any workshops, it was the perfect four-day weekend for Janel and Dad to scheme a much-needed surprise get-away. SJ doesn’t like surprises and she didn’t want to be gone on Big D’s birthday, so when the surprise was sprung just days before departure, she resisted.  However, Janel and Dad worked their magic and insisted it would do wonders to recharge her very worn out batteries. THEY WERE RIGHT!!!! The four days included:

  • Going with Janel to cheer practice.  SJ enjoyed meeting the girls, watching Janel coach and even got lifted on a stunt (sure brought back those college cheer-leading days!)
  • Going to youth group where Ryan and Janel help friends Evan and Angie.  After much crazy game playing, the lesson focus was on the various translations of the Bible.
  • Spending a day with Janel at school.  Three of Janel’s four ASL classes met that day and it was a true joy to see Janel at work.  She has really taken to teaching and her kids are truly blessed to have her as a teacher. SJ really enjoyed meeting staff and students alike.  Janel, you’re doing a great job!  I’m very proud of you!
  • Going on a hike with Janel and Ryan. The scenery and foliage were spectacular!  We even saw deer along the way.  We hiked a couple miles in beautiful weather.
  • Getting all dressed up and going out to dinner and then to Rita Moreno’s one-man stage show!! We even got to go back stage and meet the star after the show!!  It was a most amazing and unforgettable evening!!  Thank you so much, Ryan and Janel!

The best part, however, was just spending sweet time with Janel talking and laughing and just hanging out – no laundry, no cleaning, no cooking, no homework, chores, or disciplining.  Great, great weekend!!  Can we do it again next month?!!