Unique Opportunity

Every once in a while, a person gets to meet someone very special.  Daniel and David had that opportunity earlier this month.  Lopez Lomong (click here to read his Wikipedia page) is a two-time Olympian for the United States.  He was born in Sudan and, as a young boy, captured by soldiers.  He and two teen-age boys from his village escaped and ran for three days into Kenya, where he lived in a refugee camp for 10 years.  At age 16, he was sponsored into a U.S. family and later became a US citizen.  (This is ultra-condensed – you should read his story).

Lomong was in Tacoma and met with the cross country team at Bellarmine.  We are fortunate to have connections and our boys were included.  As stated earlier, this was a truly memorable meeting for our boys.  We just have a few pictures and a bit of video.