
Our first full day in Charleston was fairly relaxing.  We spent much of the day at home with Kyle and Sarah.  Margie & Ruli had planned to arrive that morning but ran into travel difficulties; they would not arrive until Monday morning.  In the afternoon, all the boys (Randy, Kyle, Daniel & David) made a bunch of sandwiches to take downtown later.

David & Kyle

At dinnertime, we went with a large group of volunteers to feed a number of people who lined up for food.  All of the people receiving food were extremely nice to us and very appreciative of the food.  Many of these people were quick to engage us in conversation and they were generally optimistic and upbeat, despite the fact that most of them would spend the night outdoors on a very cold (for Charleston) night just a few days before Christmas.  The experience was a good one for us, althoug it might have been a bit more than Daniel was prepared for.  He didn’t really want to talk about it so all we can do is speculate, but it seems he wasn’t prepared to see poverty in America.

After that we met up with a couple of Sarah & Kyle’s frieds, Matt and Crystal, for dinner at Barsa restaurant.  Dinner was fantastic and the conversation even better.