One Year in America

This post is a bit late…  We celebrated one year in America on September 18.  Since we seem to be in full American mode now, it seemed only appropriate that the day was quite busy.  David had a soccer game, their friend Aliyah had a birthday party, and then we had a quiet, “just the four of us” bit of celebrating.  At the Supermall, Daniel and David tried rock climbing.  Daniel amazed us by heading straight up the wall without a moment’s hesitation.  He rang the bell while showing his huge smile.  Then he went up the more difficult route, but it didn’t seem difficult to him as he again ascended without problem.  David tried hard, but could not quite make it to the top.

After that, we went to Red Robin (what could be more American?) and had a great dinner.  Red Robin quickly became one of the boys’ favorite places to eat, so it seemed appropriate to celebrate there.  Click the picture to see more.